Astrid Seltmann

Analyst/actuary of the Nordic Association of Marine Insurers (Cefor). In charge of Cefor’s analytics/statistics output, in particular the Nordic Marine Insurance Statistics (NoMIS) database and hull casualty trend analysis. . Secretary of the Cefor Statistics Forum.

Vice chair of the Facts and Figures Committee of the International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI) and responsible for compiling and presenting the contents of the annual update of the global marine insurance trend report.

Previous positions:
1993-97 first non-life actuary at Agrippina Reinsurance (Zurich Reinsurance), Cologne, Germany, with main responsibility to build up the actuarial services for non-life reinsurance business in Cologne (pricing, reserving). Moved to Norway in 1997, from 1997 to 1999 business analyst at Computer Sciences International.

Other engagements:
Board member of the Norwegian Society of Actuaries 2010-13. Chair of the Non-life Committee of the Norwegian Society of Actuaries 2015-18.

Formal education:
Graduated in 1992 from University of Cologne as ‘Diplom-Mathematiker’. Various courses in actuarial science, statistics, programming and reinsurance/marine insurance.
