Frouwke de Vries
Frouwke de Vries holds the position as Secretary General of the International Association for the representation of the mutual interests of the inland shipping and the insurance and for keeping the register of inland vessels in Europe since 2019. Founded in 1874, IVR is the unique international platform on which national organisations of inland navigation, insurance industry and surveyors as well as individual companies and persons from these and related areas such as brokers, lawyers, manufacturers, yards etc. are represented. Before joining IVR as Secretary General she worked for more than half a decade at the Maritime & Transport Law department of the Erasmus School of Law where she started her career in 2011 as Academic Teacher.
Frouwke holds an LL.M. in Corporate Law and MSc in Marketing (both from Erasmus University Rotterdam). Aside her position as Secretary General, she is a board member of the Dutch Transport Law Association and chair of the board of Dutch Bureau for Certification for Inland Navigation Vessels (NBKB).