Peter McIntosh

Peter joined ARK Syndicate Management Ltd at its inception in 2007 and was appointed a director in 2013. He started his career in Lloyd’s in 1984 and has been involved in all aspects of marine insurance and reinsurance, war and terrorism, political risks, offshore energy and liability and aviation war both in underwriting and claims. As the Director of Underwriting for Ark his role includes outwards reinsurance purchasing and managing the Reinsurance Technical Support team, he is Chair of the Security Committee, head of Independent Peer Review and underwrites and oversees the marine classes of business for Syndicate 4020.

He chaired the London Joint Hull Committee (JHC) and the JHC Wordings sub-committee that presided over the various working groups for the drafting and publication of numerous wordings. He also chaired the International Union of Marine Insurance Committee for Ocean Hull and LMA Marine and Energy committee.

He was a member of the British Maritime Law Association’s (BMLA) Marine Insurance sub-committee, the Lloyd’s market representative on the Salvage Liaison Group, the Lloyd’s Open Form Working Party, the Special Casualty Representative Committee and the BMLA’s Salvage Sub-Committee. He was also a representative for the Lloyd’s market as a member of Class NK’s British Committee.